Four Reasons Girls Need To Read Historical Books About Women

Posted on: 17 September 2020

Whether you are supplementing your own child's education or you are a teacher with an entire class to educate, if any of your students are girls, you should have historical nonfiction books about women available in your library. There are several reasons why young girls need to be exposed to nonfiction books focusing on the lives and accomplishments of women. 

They Will Understand What Women Have Gone Through

Women have only had the right to vote in the United States for the past one hundred years. Since 1920, women in the U.S. have gained many rights and made advancements in the personal and professional sphere. However, it's important that girls understand what women before them have gone through. This will help them understand the current problems they face and methods for overcoming those issues. 

They Will Understand What Women Have Accomplished

Women have accomplished many things throughout history; from coding the first missions to outer space and developing medications to ruling countries, women have always played a vital role in history. However, most history classes tend to focus on the accomplishments of men with a few key women thrown into the curriculum. Extra books on the subject will show young women exactly how much women have contributed to the world and give them ideas about their own ability to change the world for the better. 

They Will Gain Confidence and Explore New Interests

Despite a push to engage girls in STEM in the past decade, many girls still don't feel comfortable in the male-dominated fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Girls also often feel shy about engaging in political courses in school. Understanding that women have always had important roles in these fields can help young girls feel more excited about and comfortable with pursuing these subjects.  

They Will Value Their Current Interests and Skills

Not every girl wants to grow up to work in STEM or politics, and that's okay. However, girls should know that whatever they choose to pursue, whether it is art, a traditional career, or home management, can be a valuable contribution to society. By reading historical accounts of the effects women have had, girls can learn that their current skills and interests can be worthwhile and valued by others. 

History books are filled with the accomplishments of men. However, they often lack women. It's important for young girls to see themselves reflected in history, and historical nonfiction books can be a great supplemental material to do just that. 

To learn more, contact a supplier that carries historical nonfiction books about women.
