• Motivate Middle-Schoolers With Two Cool Classroom Tools

    If you want to give your students a new enthusiasm to learn, create an environment that is fun and educational. For middle-school students, usually fifth to eighth grades, this can be achieved through your choice of classroom décor and the images you surround your pupils with. Don't let kids become bored and unstimulated by their surroundings; instead, pump them up with educational accents and decorations that capture their attention and reinforce what they are learning.
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  • Parents' Tips for Helping Children With Speech Problems

    If your child struggles with a speech disorder, he or she is certainly not alone. In fact, there are many children who have trouble with certain letter sounds. Recognizing the problem is only the first step, though. There are things you'll need to do in order to help your little one overcome these struggles and learn to speak clearly and correctly. Here are a couple of things to consider as you're trying to help your child overcome their speech problems.
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  • Preventing Suicide: How To Discuss The Subject With Your Children

    If you're a parent, you should consider speaking to your children about suicide. An alarming number of teens and even younger children have been committing suicide due to bullying, issues going on at home, and other problems. In the moment, those children may believe the only option they have is to end their lives rather than living through the pain and depression, but it's important for them to understand that suicide isn't the answer.
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