Setting Up Your School's Office: Furnishing Ideas To Consider

Posted on: 28 December 2017

Your school's office is the hub of activity in the building, and it serves a wide range of purposes for parents, students, and teachers. That's why having the right furniture in the room is crucial. Here are some furnishing ideas to consider as you plan your office remodel or refresh.

Student Desks

Give students a way to make the most of their time by adding student desks to the waiting area. This gives them a place to put their books and folders, and it also provides a place to complete homework or study while waiting to speak to a guidance counselor or teacher. Have the student desks lined up against one wall, and leave the rest of the waiting area free for parents and other visitors.

Private Workstations

From time to time, the school office is used to administer aptitude tests or exams. Create a space for this activity by adding a few private workstations in the office. These workstations come with tall side walls that help prevent cheating or peaking, and they offer convenient work surfaces with shelves for holding test materials, scratch paper, and other exam necessities. Consider placing these workstations in a small room inside the main office that can be used just for testing.

Main Reception Desk

You'll want to have a main reception desk that serves multiple purposes in the office. It should be tall enough and wide enough to create a border separating the waiting area from the office. This gives students a signal that the area behind the desk is off limits unless otherwise discussed. The reception desk is also the place where parents and visitors sign in each day. Consider a large reception desk with a lowered counter on one end. This counter will help to make the desk accessible for students in wheelchairs, and it also provides easy access for younger, shorter students needing to talk to the school's secretary or principle. Be sure to choose a design with plenty of drawers and cabinets so the office staff can keep all school essentials neatly organized.


Mailboxes are still an important way to communicate with teachers, so you'll want to make sure that part of the office is dedicated to teacher mailboxes. Choose a tray-style design that lets you place paperwork flat inside each mailbox, and consider metal construction for enduring quality. Some schools prefer to place these mailboxes against a wall, while others choose to have them recessed into the wall. This recessed option can provide teachers with access to mail from the hallway, which means they can grab important memos while on the way to their classrooms.

Be sure to choose furnishings in bright, cheerful colors. This can help to make your office and its staff seem more approachable. Talk to your office staff about any furnishing ideas they might have, and make your school's main office both fun and functional. To learn more, contact a company like School Supply Specialty
